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Table 1 Controversial findings on aging influence on CD4+ T-cell recovery

From: The effect of age on CD4+ T-cell recovery in HIV-suppressed adult participants: a sub-study from AIDS Clinical Trial Group (ACTG) A5321 and the Bone Loss and Immune Reconstitution (BLIR) study


Sample size

Study length

The effect of age

Kaufmann et al., JAMA, 2003 [3]


4 years

Older age (> 40 years) ↓ CD4+ T-cell change by 39 cells/μl over 48 months

Moore et al., CID, 2007 [5]


6 years

Older age (> 45 years) ↓ CD4+ cell change by 60 cells/μl over 6 years

Li et al., JAIDS, 2011 [4]

614 men

5 – 12 years

Older age (≥50 years) ↓ CD4+ T-cell counts by 59 cells/μl over 5-12 years

Greenbaum, AIDS, 2008 [2]


4 years

Nonsignificant difference in time to increase by 50 cells/μL or mean increase in CD4+ T-cells from baseline between > 50 years vs. < 40 years

Wright et al., HIV medicine, 2013 [6]


≥ 5 years

Nonsignificant difference in CD4+ T-cell increase rate in > 50 years vs. others