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Fig. 4 | Immunity & Ageing

Fig. 4

From: Investigating the potential of a prematurely aged immune phenotype in severely injured patients as predictor of risk of sepsis

Fig. 4

Senescent and regulatory T cells in traumatic injury patients. A Representative flow cytometry plot showing senescent T cell subsets identified via expression of CD57 and CD28 in a healthy control and trauma patient. Absolute numbers of senescent CD28− CD57+ cells in B CD4 T cell C CD8 T cell pool in healthy age and sex-matched healthy controls (n = 55) and traumatic injury patients on day 3 (n = 54), day 14 (n = 41), day 28 (n = 40) and day 60 (n = 19) post-hospital admission. The mean value is indicated by the bar. D Peripheral numbers of Foxp3.+ CD4 T cells in healthy controls and trauma patients. * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.005, *** p < 0.001

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