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Table 1 Average input, output, yield, and purity of basophils from IL-3 BMB cultures

From: Aged mice display altered numbers and phenotype of basophils, and bone marrow-derived basophil activation, with a limited role for aging-associated microbiota


Input BM cells ×106

Output cultured cells ×106

Yield pure basophils ×106

Purity %


5.6 (0.4)

11.6 (1.9)

4.5 (1.1)

97 (1)


6.0 (0.0)

11.6 (1.1)

3.2 (1.3)

97 (1)


6.0 (0.0)

13.7 (1.6)

3.7 (1.2)

97 (1)


5.6 (0.4)

11.0 (0.7)

3.4 (1.0)

95 (2)

  1. Data represent 5 cultures per group (with each culture derived from a different mouse). Standard error of the mean between brackets
  2. BM bone marrow, BMB bone marrow-derived basophils, +O, microbiota derived from old mouse, +Y microbiota derived from young mouse