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Fig. 1 | Immunity & Ageing

Fig. 1

From: TAOK3 limits age-associated inflammation by negatively modulating macrophage differentiation and their production of TNFα

Fig. 1

Taok3 deficient mice develop severe skin ulcerations and splenomegaly with age. a-e Longitudinal follow-up and macroscopic evaluations of Taok3+/+ (WT), Taok3± (HET), and Taok3−/− (KO) aged mice. a Curve reporting the time to humane endpoint between Taok3 genotypes. b Photographs of the skin ulcerations reported in the mice with the indicated genotype. c Bar chart representing the proportion of mice presenting severe, mild, or no skin ulcerations at the time of humane endpoint. d Photographs of spleens from 60–70-week-old male and female mice. Reference scale = 1 cm. e Bar plot representing the spleen weight (mg) of WT and KO animals stratified by sex and age group. f Micrograph of H&E-stained section from WT (left) and KO (right) spleens at 40X (top) and 100X (bottom) magnifications. g Color-coded UMAP clustering of splenic populations used to discriminate between B cell, Myeloid, NK, CD8 + T cell, and CD4 + T cell clusters. h Pseudo-color UMAP clustering of splenic populations from the indicated animals. i Downstream analyses of (top) dot plot representing the average UMAP 1 and 2 parameters from h and (bottom) bar plot representing the average proportions of the clustered populations within the global splenic population. j Bar plot of the total cell numbers of the populations described in i) (B cells, CD4 + T cells, CD8 + T cells, Myeloid cells and NK cells) in the spleen of young and old mice. a-e, j n = 10 animals per genotype. f-i Data representative of experiments realized on at least three independent litter pairs. Statistical analysis: a Log-rank test of simple survival analysis. e Two-way ANOVA with Dunnet’s multiple comparisons. i-j Multiple unpaired, bilateral T-tests

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