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Fig. 2 | Immunity & Ageing

Fig. 2

From: TAOK3 limits age-associated inflammation by negatively modulating macrophage differentiation and their production of TNFα

Fig. 2

Shift in hematopoietic progenitor cell lineage commitment toward myeloid lineages in aged Taok3-/- mice. Flow cytometric analyses of mouse bone marrow hematopoietic stem cells. a Gating strategy to determine the C-Kit + , Sca-1 + and C-Kit + , Sca-1 + (LSK +) populations within lineage negative cells. Lineage was determined by the surface expression of one or more of these markers: CD3, TER119, CD11b, CD45R, GR-1. b Bar plot with individual values representing the total number of C-kit + , Sca-1 + , and LSK + cells. c Gating strategy to discriminate between MPP (CD48 + , CD150-), ST-HSCs (CD48 + , CD150 +), and LT-HSCs (CD48-, CD150 +) within the LSK + subpopulation d) Bar plot with individual values representing the total number of ST-HSCs, LT-HSCs, and MPPs. e Gating strategy used to differentiate between lymphoid-committed multipotent progenitors (MPP4) and myeloid-committed multipotent progenitors (MPP3) within the MPP compartment. f Bar chart representing the distribution between MPP4 and MPP3 in the global MPP population. g Gating strategy used to differentiate between B Cells and Myeloid cells in the bone marrow of young and old mice. h Bar plot with individual values representing the B cell (CD19 +)/ Myeloid cell(CD11b +) ratio in bone marrow (top) and peripheral blood (bottom). a-g Data representative of at least 5 independent litters (n = 5/genotype/age-group). h) Young groups have n = 6 (WT) and n = 5 (KO) whilst old have n = 3 (WT) and n = 4(KO). Chart error bars represent mean ± SEM. Statistical analysis: b, d, f, h Multiple unpaired, bilateral T-tests. ns, non-significant. *p ≤ 0.05, **p ≤ 0.01, ***p ≤ 0.001, ****p ≤ 0.0001

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