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Fig. 6 | Immunity & Ageing

Fig. 6

From: Terminally exhausted CD8+ T cells contribute to age-dependent severity of respiratory virus infection

Fig. 6

Aged CD8+ T cells exhibit terminally exhausted phenotype. A, B Aged mice at day 7 p.i. had expanded population of terminally exhausted CD8+ T cells (TEX) in both bulk CD8+ T cells and CD8+ N11 tet+ T lymphocytes. TEX CD8+ T cells are defined as TCF1/7− EOMES+ TOX+. C Aged CD4 depleted mice expressed similar levels of TOX and EOMES on CD8s compared to isotype treated mice. Young CD4 depleted mice did have a trend towards increased expression of TOX and EOMES on CD8s. D & F AT—> YH accumulated TEX bulk and HMPV-specific CD8+ T lymphocytes to a similar degree as AT—> AH control while YT—> AH and YT- > YH had reduced TEX populations. E & G A similar TEX CD8+ population in both bulk and epitope-specific CD8+ T lymphocytes was seen in the ACD8 T—> YH adoptive transfer model. H & I scRNAseq on naive young and aged mice revealed similar expression patterns of TOX and EOMES in CD8+ T cells from aged lung. (J-L) Violin plots of TCF7, TOX, and EOMES expression, respectively, in murine lung CD8+ T cells in both age groups. M Violin plot of TCF7 expression in PBMCs from healthy aged and young humans. N Representative IFN ELISpot image. O IFN spot number significantly decreased in aged mice. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, ****P < 0.0001, unpaired t-test or one-way ANOVA

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