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Fig. 7 | Immunity & Ageing

Fig. 7

From: The effects of high plasma levels of Aβ1-42 on mononuclear macrophage in mouse models of Alzheimer’s disease

Fig. 7

The effects of high plasma Aβ1-42 on myeloid progenitor cells in bone marrow. a The proportions of MPP in the bone marrow of Wt, Tg, PaWt(Wt-Wt), and PaWt(Wt-Tg) mice. MPP were stained with CD34+Flt3+. b The proportions of CMP, GMP, and MEP in bone marrow of Wt, Tg, PaWt(Wt-Wt), and PaWt(Wt-Tg) mice. CMP, GMP and MEP were stained with CD34+CD16/32, CD34+CD16/32+, and CD34CD16/32., respectively. c-f The statistical diagrams of MPP(c), CMP(d) and GMP(e) as well as MEP (f) in the bone marrow of Wt, Tg, PaWt(Wt-Wt), and PaWt(Wt-Tg) mice, respectively. Compared Tg mice with Wt mice at 7 months of age, the proportions of MPP increased (p = 0.009) and GMP decreased significantly (p = 0.009), however both CMP and MEP had no significant changes (CMP p = 0.485, MEP p = 0.818). At 11 months of age, in Tg mice, the proportions of MPP and MEP decreased significantly (MPP p = 0.041, MEP p = 0.009), CMP had no obvious alteration (p = 0.24), while GMP increased significantly (p = 0.026), when compared with Wt mice. After parabiosis for 4 months, in PaWt(Wt-Tg) mice, the proportions of MPP, CMP, GMP, and MEP had no clear change (MPP p = 1.000, CMP p = 0.75, GMP p = 0.18, MEP p = 0.494), after parabiosis for 8 months, CMP and GMP increased significantly (CMP p = 0.018, GMP p = 0.002), and MEP decreased significantly (p = 0.014), however, the proportions of MPP had no visible change (p = 0.773), when compared with PaWt(Wt-Wt) mice. (Wt, Tg, PaWt(Wt-Tg) mice n = 6; PaWt(Wt-Wt) mice n = 12, data from the two Wt mice of Pa(Wt-Wt) mice, Mean ± SD, one-way analysis of variance, **P < 0.01, *P < 0.05, ns denotes no statistical significance)

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