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Fig. 6 | Immunity & Ageing

Fig. 6

From: The intersection of biological sex and gender in adverse events following seasonal influenza vaccination in older adults

Fig. 6

Relationship between sex steroid hormones, inflammatory cytokines, and adverse event (AE) reporting. The effect of estradiol (A) and progesterone (B) on the probability of reporting any AE was estimated for males and females using logistic regression models with interaction terms between the hormone and sex. The correlation between estradiol and progesterone concentrations is shown in C, where filled in circles represent participants who reported an AE, empty circles indicate participants who did not report an AE, and dashed lines indicate the 75th percentile of estradiol or progesterone concentrations. The correlations between estradiol or progesterone and a panel of twenty cytokines involved in inflammatory processes were assessed, with the strength of the correlation (r values) for males and females displayed (D). Cytokine concentrations were measured in picograms per milliliter, and values were log10-tranformed for analyses. The associations between estradiol and IL-6 concentration for males and female were tested using linear regression models with an interaction term between estradiol concentrations and sex (E)

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