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Fig. 7 | Immunity & Ageing

Fig. 7

From: A genomic perspective of the aging human and mouse lung with a focus on immune response and cellular senescence

Fig. 7

Age-dependent regulation of extracellular matrix coding genes. Shown is the regulation of 117 ECM coding gens in the lung of 89 individual mouse genomic data sets at different ages. These code for 28 collagens, 10 proteoglycans, 17 matrix metalloproteinase and 62 ECM-related glycoproteins. The data are expression values and the full genes names are given in supplementary Table S5. Note, significance testing is based on the LIMMA package. A V-shaped gene expression changes with age. The gene expression changes were significant among all age groups. B V-shaped gene expression changes with age. The gene expression changes were significant between mice aged 1–5 and 6–26 weeks. C V-shaped gene expression changes with age. The gene expression changes were significant between mice aged 6–26 weeks and old mice. D Continuously increased expression genes with age. The expression changes were significant between all age groups. E Continuously increased gene expression changes with age. The gene expression changes were significant between mice aged 1–5 and 6–26 weeks. F Continuously increased gene expression changes with age. The gene expression changes were significant between mice aged 6–26 weeks and old mice. G Continuously repressed gene expression changes with age. The expression changes were significant between all age groups. H Continuously repressed gene expression changes with age. The gene expression changes were significant between mice aged 1–5 and 6–26 weeks. I Continuously repressed gene expression changes with age. The gene expression changes were significant between week 6–26 and aged mice. *p < 0.05

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