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Fig. 8 | Immunity & Ageing

Fig. 8

From: A genomic perspective of the aging human and mouse lung with a focus on immune response and cellular senescence

Fig. 8

Violin plots of commonly regulated DEGs between the human lung test and validation set. Shown is the regulation of 26 commonly regulated genes among adult and aged individuals. Because we determined their regulation by two different platforms, i.e. RNAseq and microarrays, we show the data separately and give the full name of the genes in supplementary Table S6. Statistical testing is based on the DEseq for the RNAseq-data and the linear regression model for the human validation set. A Regulation of collagen coding genes among adult and aged individuals as determined by RNAseq in the human test set genomic data. B Regulation of collagen coding genes among adult and aged individuals as determined with linear regression model in the human validation set genomic data. C Gene expression changes of 17 individual genes among adult and aged individuals as determined by RNAseq for the human test set genomic data. D Gene expression changes of 17 individual genes among adult and aged individuals as determined for the human validation set genomic data. *p < 0.05. NS: not significant

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