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Fig. 3 | Immunity & Ageing

Fig. 3

From: Transcriptional characteristics and functional validation of three monocyte subsets during aging

Fig. 3

Differential expression analysis of three monocyte subsets between young (24–36 years, n = 9) and aged (67–83 years, n = 9) individuals. A. Volcano plot shows differential expression result of classical subset between young and old individuals. Each dot denotes a gene, red dots symbolize upregulated genes and green dots represent downregulated genes. B. Volcano plot presents differential expression analysis result of intermediate subset between young and aged individuals. Each dot represents a gene, red dots denote upregulated genes and green dots symbolize downregulated genes. C. Volcano plot depicts expression analysis result of nonclassical subset between young and elderly individuals. Each dot symbolizes a gene, red dots represent upregulated genes and green dots denote downregulated genes. D. Venn diagram analysis of the intersecting upregulated genes for three monocyte subsets. E Venn diagram analysis of the overlapping downregulated genes for three monocyte subsets

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