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Table 1 Demographic, clinical, and functional characteristics of the patients included for analysis (values expressed as mean and standard deviation unless otherwise specified)

From: Effect of immunology biomarkers associated with hip fracture and fracture risk in older adults


Full sample

(n = 40)

Fracture group

(n = 20)

Non-fracture group

(n = 20)

P value*



Age, years

81.23 (8.23)

87.25 (6.73)

75.20 (4.15)


Sex (men/female), n (%)

11 (27.5)/29 (72.5)

4 (20)/16 (80)

7 (35)/13 (65)


BMI (kg/m2)a

27.39 (4.72)

24.91 (2.74)

29.87 (5.02)


Clinical status

CIRS-G score

11.45 (4.21)

12.7 (4.81)

10.2 (3.17)


Polypharmacy score

6.28 (3.16)

7.25 (3.09)

5.3 (3)


Osteoporosis (n, %)

10 (25%)

4 (20%)

6 (30%)


Functional status

Barthel Index (ADL), scorec

81.63 (26.13)

67.5 (30.41)

95.75 (7.48)

< 0.001

Functional Ambulation Category (n, %)


FAC 0 to 1

3 (7.5%)

3 (15%)

0 (0)


FAC 4 to 5

36 (92.5%)

17 (85%)

20 (100%)

Frailty scored

2.18 (1.69)

3.05 (1.47)

1.3 (1.42)

< 0.001

Hand grip strength (Kg)

17.63 (9.8)

11.3 (6.24)

23.95 (8.6)

< 0.001

MNA scoree

23.43 (6.51)

18.83 (6.08)

28.03 (2.33)

< 0.001

Pfeiffer’s SPMSQf

2.55 (3.80)

5.05 (4.05)

0.5 (0.224)

< 0.001

Depression score (n, %)g

8 (20%)

6 (42.9%)

2 (10%)


FRAX mayor scoreh

9.76 (7,15)

13.4 (6.99)

6.12 (5.29)

< 0.001

FRAX hip scorei

4.43 (3.85)

6.29 (3.79)

2.58 (2.94)

< 0.001

Bone mineral density and body composition

BMDj - total hip

0.873 (0.186)

0.735 (0.079)

0.976 (0.177)


BMD – femoral neck

0.869 (0.211)

0.739 (0.119)

0.966 (0.217)


BMD – lumbar spine

1.153 (0.256)

0.981 (0.18)

1.239 (0.247)


BMD – foreman

0.768 (0.314)

0.679 (0.127)

0.812 (0.37)



6.24 (1.63)

5.06 (1.27)

7.43 (0.95)

< 0.001


0.607 (0.188)

0.526 (0.155)

0.687 (0.187)


  1. aBMI (body mass index)
  2. bThe Cumulative Illness Rating Scale for Geriatrics (CIRS-G) scale evaluates individual body systems, ranging from 0 (best) to 56 (worst)
  3. cThe Barthel Index ranges from 0 (severe functional dependence) to 100 (functional independence)
  4. dFrail Scale ranges from 0 to 5 and indicates frailty with ≥ 3
  5. eMini-Nutritional Assessment (MNA).
  6. fPfeiffer’s Short Portable Mental State Questionnaire (SPMSQ) ranges errors from 0 (best) to 10 (worst)
  7. gThe Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS-15) ranges from 0 to 15 and indicates symptomatic depression with ≥ 5
  8. hFRAX 10-year fracture probability of mayor osteoporotic fracture (%). Mean and SD
  9. iFRAX 10-year fracture probability of hip fracture (%)
  10. jBMD (bone mineral density, g/cm2)
  11. kASMI (Appendicular Skeletal Muscle Index, kg)
  12. lASM/BMI (Appendicular lean mass adjusted for BMI).
  13. * p-value for different groups in percentage (Pearson X2, expect no normal distribution; Fisher’s exact test) or means (t-student, expect no normal distribution; U de Mann-Whitney). The bold values are statistically significant