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Fig. 5 | Immunity & Ageing

Fig. 5

From: An aging-related immune landscape in the hematopoietic immune system

Fig. 5

Aging affects the differentiation potential and direction of differentiation of HSCs in the HIS. A Volcano plot showing the up or downregulated DEGs in HSC. B Representative GO biological process and pathways enriched in upregulated DEGs in HSC. C The dot plot showing the lymphoid or myeloid differentiation scores of hematopoietic stem cells, lymphocytes, and myeloid cells. D Violin plot showing the SASP signaling score between two groups in HSC. E Classification of HSC from the three stages into the quiescent phase and other cycling phases (G1, S, and G2M) based on the cell-cycle score of G1/S and G2/M gene sets. F The pie chart showing the proportion of different cell_cycle statuses of HSC between two groups. G The flow cytometry histograms (left) and column charts (right) showing the percentage of LSK CD34 + HSC cells in bone marrow and spleen (n = 5/group). H UMAP plot showing the HSC clusters of hematopoietic Immune system in scRNA-seq (up). The heatmap showing scaled expression of discriminative gene sets for HSC clusters. I The pie chart showing the proportion of HSC clusters between two groups. J. Representative GO biological process and pathways enriched in the discriminative gene sets among HSC clusters. Significance in D was calculated using wilcoxon test; ****P < 0.0001. Significance in G was calculated using Student’s t test; **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, ****P < 0.0001

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